Saturday, December 26, 2015


A lot of people have shared their experience with their most beloved dogs falling into the clutches of the distemper virus and the succeeding  treatment that will last almost a month. Success or failure everyone has something to share in order the next victim may find a lifeline, albeit a tenuous one, and in turn be able to offer an improved lifeline to future possible victims.
Day 0
Fluffy has been listless, sleeping on a chair most of the day. I didn't think much of it but Mom was worried.
Day 1
He had mucus around his eyes. I recognized it as when my cat had a severe cold. the nose is so stopped up that the snot comes out of the eyes. I forgot it was pneumonia. Mom started antibiotics. (Lucky enough to have a doctor mom. Even though at this time we were limited financially.) Mom also put fluffy on the Oxygen tank when he started to breathe rapidly. She has this at home to deal with her own high blood pressure and vertigo. I was comparatively relieved that it was pneumonia. It meant that it could be treated with antibiotics.
Hopes were shattered when doc sol of don Antonio immediately diagnosed it as distemper.
Week 1
Basically being a virus you just have to keep the dogs strength up until it goes away. But we had to deal with the pneumonia first. I blame my own two dogs for bullying fluffy (one of them just gave birth and was territorial) which lowered his resistance.
We were prescribed doxycycline but it didn't seem to be effective. Mom alternated with cloxacillin which she used before going to the vet. The combination seemed to work.
Near the end of the week he finally sneezed out liquidy snot through his nose and the mucus in the eyes disappeared.
All this time mom has been assiduously hand feeding fluffy with either cerelac or raw egg (using a syringe) mixed with some meat or dog food. Gatorade was our substitute for electrolytes. Thankfully fluffy sometimes had the strength to eat himself, though we had to place the food near his snout. Make sure your dog doesn't have other complications, like worms, that could seriously hinder progress. Remove ticks or fleas by hand since the dog cant take a bath yet.  It would also  be good to have someone look after your dog while you sleep. Mom instructed me to give him some oxygen if the breathing got bad.
week 2
I thought fluffy was just having a nightmare with a tense face and twitching legs. but mom told me that was a seizure. There is a treatment that can cure distemper before it goes to the seizure phase but we found out too late. Not sure if that would be even locally available. I didn't know that every time he has this episodes his brain gets inflamed or bleeds, just like in a stroke. It could be a seizure as long as two hours or a cluster every 15 minutes. Unfortunately the nearby vets wouldn't prescribe gabapentin or Valium to stop the seizures. Theyre known as narcotics and therefore dangerous. Fortunately the internet advised putting ice on the back of his spine, as well as placing a cold wet towel on his head. Mom even faced the electric fan on him. It seems counter intuitive especially after the pneumonia but it did seem to do the trick. Mom insisted more than ever to put him on oxygen to feed his starving brain. Plus vitamin b to help the nervous system heal. Vitamin c to prevent relapse of pneumonia.
Week 3
The seizures have stopped but it's taken its toll. He sleeps all the time and loses balance when he's awake. I could only hope that the brain is healing itself.
End of week 3
I think we're in the clear. He's up longer now though still walking a little unsteadily. All through out this time mom has been taking him out on night air  walks even though around the third week she had to carry him sometimes when he has fallen. She thinks it helps him take his mind off the sickness and helps him feel almost normal. We are a little hampered with finances that we can't go for the more expensive treatments,  like serums or spinal tap. But mom proved that if you're determined and willing to persevere it can be done.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Currently reading Dead Sea Ciphers. I remember reading a Vicky Bliss novel before and it was too confusing. Maybe I was too young. It was interesting her talking about men wearing hats, and androgynous hippies carrying (outrage) transistor radios! But lately my eyes are too tired by night to take on a couple of pages.
Almost didnt make it to work today because it was still cold at 10 am. Then it stopped raining but I was already going to be late. Nice of HR to refresh our memories on policies and suspensions and termination today too. Hoping the kids dont get sick. Hannibal wont come in at night. Milch uncharacteristically goes out and disappears. (Back in Fairview she never moved from the cupboard.) She and Grace always had colds.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Manila Japanese School Bon Odori

Every year around this time MJS holds a festival in their school grounds, allowing outsiders a taste of Japan in the middle of the Fort.

Our attention was immediately riveted to the center of the grounds, to the yagura, where there were taiko drums and the lead dancers going around it. Surrounding the yagura, on the grounds, parents, teachers, the kids and other participants also danced counterclockwise.


We had a little picnic. Didn't have anything to cover the ground with unlike some who came prepared. But the grounds seem pretty clean, just dusty.
Dang contributed yakisoba, Claire okonomiyaki, me takoyaki. I thought the okonomiyaki was the best.

I wasn't able to get as much pictures as I wanted. Totally missed getting some of the Mainichi Shinbun's goldfishes.
The food booths.
Dang's wagashi, japanese pastry. Notice the sakura design.
Takoyaki stand
Cotton candy sign
Ramen sign
Awesome head dress.
Claire went gaga over that school clock.
Construction team for the yagura and lights I expect. Professional all the way.
Headquarters and first aide station.
Another taste of Japan, smoking corners.
Ran into old students. Lisa and Deanna Chang are from Taiwan. They're UST students. Lisa studies biochem, Deanna piano. They're here to study English, Japanese and Spanish. An old MJS student friend of theirs took them here.

And to cap off an already wonderful day, stupendous fireworks.

My take home midnight snack.
Didn't arrive early enough to get the complimentary fans, but the folks at a booth turned the other way when I wanted to ask if I could have one.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How to eat the infamous Philippine balot

Traditionally, balot is carried around by travelling vendors in baskets like this, with the chicharon tied too. But nowadays, I pass around 5 of these on the way home at their regular spots.

Lately I've been frequenting a good old guy who keeps his balot in a styrofoam container.

Used to be they were wrapped in paper from newspapers or phone directories. Does anyone see those anymore?

Determine the broader bottom (of the egg). This part has more space and would be easier to peel.

Rap smartly on a decrepit desk.

Peel off a little. Careful not to spill the liquid (juice?). Traditionally vendors give you rock salt to go with your purchase, but table salt works too. Sprinkle alittle on the juice and sip (suck if you like).

Keep sucking and peeling off till the yolk and chick is exposed. A vendor who sells balot with a chick as small as this is worth returning to.

Don't eat the hard white stuff.

Monday, August 10, 2009


First time in Libis. Although I was forced to go I was glad I went. It might be even nice to find work there.

Almost got thrown out of the building by security when I shot this one. Geez. But nice of the company to be open to gays.

Might as well have breakfast while I'm out at this hour. It's been a while. The butter does look like a heart right?

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The shops and restaurants. They even have a walk of fame.

Cybermall only opened after the interview was finished. Damn.

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There is nothing more beautiful than a well-balanced pond. Just the right amount of algae.

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Walking around, it was beginning to feel like Singapore. Then I looked up and saw the street I was on.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Comic Con 2009 Megamall

The stage usually doesnt hold an attraction for me during venues, but somehow I went and listened. It's sad that good music and good looks don't always go together.

GI Joe promo booth.


There were a lot of cosplayers of course, but my cel camera can only hold 20 shots. I'm pretty sure other camera guys have that covered.

Love the layers.

Harry Potter. They got a pretty cute one.

No, not Danny Choo. Darn.

This made us go "Awww." Girlfriend and boyfriend cosplaying as 2 yaoi boys. (Antique Bakery?) I wonder if boys with cosplayer girlfriends know what they're signing up for.

Cosplay paraphenelia. Wigs.

Hair dye.


Another good find by friends. Now I know how Banzai! spells.

I had promised myself to complete my Otakuzine collection if given the chance, but I still couldnt bring myself to buy it at 50 pesos per. In the end, I only got 3 GAME! magazines for 100 pesos.

Djs, yaoi and not. Couldn't bring myself to get one either. There's always a scan someplace.

Too many to choose from.

What can I say? I love dolls.

Credit to a fried for spotting this even before I did.

I would never have bothered shooting this pic if not for Danny Choo.

Pretty good concept. (Ninoy Aquino doll)

I like the 5 oclock shadow effect.


The xerox machine is the saviour of all local graphic artists. I applaud them, but not really interested.

Also saw the seiyuu / voice acting training school "Creative Voices".